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AJ Roderick

Time to shut down. Zzzz
10-25-2011 11:37 PM

Zack Skolnick

Go "like" Motivated Eyewear!
10-25-2011 11:36 PM

Jim Daniels - FIG

My kids are in college. My babies! We spend the nights talking about philosophy and how the world was created. I miss the children they were but love this time they are in.
10-25-2011 11:36 PM


OMG, #Twitter now is natively integrated in #iOS 5. #Android only had this since... ever? But with iOS, it's magick. #whosideawasthat
10-25-2011 08:03 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 604th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
10-25-2011 01:45 PM

Jason Brent Haller

now we can add bad coaching to the play and officiating.
10-25-2011 12:10 AM

AJ Roderick

Having sex with a snuff with two of the best girls around
10-25-2011 12:10 AM

Josh Chaney

- It's selfish to think that the human race will stand the test of time when people can't even use the words TO and TOO properly.
10-25-2011 12:09 AM

Jason Brent Haller

10-24-2011 08:17 PM

Jim Daniels - FIG

"It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong." - George Soros
10-24-2011 05:11 PM

AJ Roderick

I don't know how to put this but I'm kinda a big deal
10-24-2011 02:06 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 553rd place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
10-24-2011 02:05 PM

Alex Bolanos

Jammin to 808s at 808
10-24-2011 07:52 AM

Jim Drago

Jack Rousch this isn't F1. Hope Carl Edwards doesn't pay the price for your actions.
10-23-2011 08:22 PM

pat slattery

DAILY CONTEST UPDATE: I am currently in 495th place in Tom Gill Chevrolet's Gem Swap II contest. There is still plenty of time to try and win a 16GB iPad2. Who thinks they can get a better score than me? Click here to try: http://sups.us/49e8da
10-23-2011 05:14 PM
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