Community Status Updates
Todd Lamb
Good luck bro - gravity power FTW! “@AndyLally: Good practice runs today at Whistler, BC for my street luge race."
07-03-2014 10:02 PM
AJ Roderick
For all you "buy American cars" supporters, did you know both the Toyota Camry(78.5%) and Honda Accord(76%) contain more domestic content than the Chevy Camaro(68%)?
07-03-2014 09:00 AM
AJ Roderick
Summit must love fudging up my orders lol 2nd time they shipped half my order after I said retail pick up
07-02-2014 06:46 PM
AJ Roderick
Frustrating night in shop. Big thanks to Aaron Quine for coming out with the golf cart for the Glen this weekend and mounting up new rubber for the race car and Audi. Too bad we couldn't test the new Audi tires properly
07-01-2014 09:55 PM
Phil Mather
Why would a company sell a product that only one person can support but has no time to support it?
06-30-2014 11:20 AM
AJ Roderick
Stopped at a rest stop driving home, checked car out, everything was ok. Leavinh rest stop and see upper grille is gone. Thank you asshole whoever took my upper grille 👌
06-29-2014 01:28 PM
Heading to the beach with mountain stage on the radio and windows open. Good start.
06-29-2014 06:20 AM
Phil Mather
Great night tonight. Relaxed and happy :) looking forward to a great rest of the weekend.
06-28-2014 02:09 AM