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AJ Roderick

Working all day and the I will be heading over to Nelson ledges this evening to set up the Stupid Fast Tires service for the weekend. Thanks Aaron, Angie, Rachel and the few others not on FB who are giving me these opportunities to race and also do tire service during the weekend.
06-20-2014 09:17 AM

AJ Roderick

Visiting Aaron's wife while he's out of town ;) even brought the girlfriend !
06-19-2014 07:44 PM


Wouldn't be a limerock weekend if I didn't leave three hours late.
06-19-2014 04:24 PM

Alex Bolanos

Reputation is a trailing indicator of excellence. -Jeff Bezos
06-19-2014 11:02 AM


How did I wake up with a mystery burn on my hand?
06-19-2014 09:59 AM

Todd Lamb

Wow that _sounds_ amazing! “@LeftHandEast: Saw this little nice description on a menu in the airport at LAX http://t.co/fJoiDOHSxe”
06-18-2014 07:40 PM

AJ Roderick

Not sure what I am more excited for this weekend. Getting to race or the fact I'm bringing my lawn mower to mow my pit spot
06-17-2014 10:14 AM

Phil Mather

I am living in the real world Office Space. I've been asked by 3 different people if I'm going to a certain meeting. 1. I never got the memo. 2. No, because I've already made plans. I can only laugh at this point.
06-17-2014 10:14 AM


Random thought. If scca did a closed cockpit spec racer.....would more people be willing to run that? Not suggesting they come out with it, but could be interesting.
06-16-2014 10:38 PM

Phil Mather

Where is my brain's off switch again? I need to stop thinking and just do...
06-16-2014 07:23 PM

AJ Roderick

I need someone who is about 170-180 lbs to sit in my race car for a few hours while I align and scale it
06-16-2014 04:17 PM


Excited for limerock this weekend, despite the lack of practice.
06-16-2014 04:17 PM

Todd Lamb

Post-podium depression: returning to the daily grind on Monday after a weekend of racing.
06-16-2014 10:06 AM

Alex Bolanos

Another win in today's SARRC race, great battle with Selin Rollan. Finished the weekend with a strong second place in the enduro with the head dog himself Mark Gibbons. Thanks as always to Momo, Apex Alignment, and Jeffy boy racing (Autotechnik) for all of the horsies under the hood
06-16-2014 09:01 AM

Todd Lamb

Top of the podium #SCCAMajors June Sprints with @HawkPerformance and @DrivenSteering http://t.co/GN6s1x9RUz
06-16-2014 03:23 AM