Community Status Updates
AJ Roderick
Shout out to my boy Ben wagon wheels for getting his wings so now he's an official flight attendant! I'll be flying with him drinking my beers
06-26-2014 07:24 PM
AJ Roderick
I had to buy another part for my Audi. It was only 7 bucks. Today was a good day.
06-26-2014 04:14 PM
Phil Mather
Thanks for the Happy Birthdays, everyone! I've been having a fun year so far and it will only get better!
06-25-2014 08:34 PM
If I called my warehouse a crossfit box could I charge people to work for me?
06-25-2014 05:21 PM
Todd Lamb
RT @think2win: There is a direct correlation between what you think and how you perform. Control your thinking so you can control your perf…
06-25-2014 02:07 PM
AJ Roderick
Everyone is like #eurohangerprep, Rachel and I are over here like I want a puppy
06-23-2014 07:54 PM
Phil Mather
Home from an awesome weekend with the Rally Sport Region Porsche Club at Grattan Raceway. Got to give Ross Bentley some hot laps, drive Smurfette the SpecMiata thanks to Christian and Valerie Roedenbeck Maloof, and instruct some great drivers and students. I also got to share the track with my Dad which is always awesome. Can't wait until next time!
06-22-2014 05:03 PM
Crazy weekend at limerock with lots of carnage. New fast lap time for me, had a good p2 position in sm2 before I botched the start, and worked my way up to 9th in sm with a few good passes on the last lap of that race. Matt Kessler motor ran all weekend, Noah D. Machtay kept me and the car running, and having lex there made it more fun. Since it was limerock I get to enjoy Sunday!
06-21-2014 09:21 PM
P2 in sm2. No clue in spec miata after that mess. Have a little more toe in the rear than usual.
06-21-2014 02:29 PM
AJ Roderick
Qualified outside pole in the rain. Dried up for the qualifying race, got blocked entire session but still finished 2nd. Installing brush guard for main race today.....
06-21-2014 11:05 AM
AJ Roderick
I give Rachel my S4 for the day and what does she do with it? Goes shoe shopping. ._.
06-20-2014 03:55 PM
Didn't create a clean lap. Currently p4 in sm2. Made a tire pressure change and out for sm qual.
06-20-2014 12:27 PM