Dave, I'd never accuse you of be a smart ass observer sitting on the side lines with your serious lifetime knowledge in automotive/racing vehicles doing nothing but running his mouth like some folks on this site. Saul, Keith, Brandon and others that contributed by doing something/investigating thank you. Now that I said that I feel much better. With all that in the rearview mirror I finished a another round of, is there inner race inside end gap or no gap. My first measurements which were made indicated there was a .005/.006 gap. Johnny, I did something and proved myself wrong. Been there before. I'm convinced with my latest investigating there is zero clearance between the inside ends of the inner races. The failed hub from Jared Gerber #9 SM where the balls, the inner/outer races and the cage visually looked (other than spalling/craters on the inside ends of the inner races, doesn't look like rotational) ok was IMHJ an abnormality. The whole point being guys, I enjoy doing something to eliminate my curiosity.X-ray vision
Ron, a slouch drives my car every time it's at the track, hence the front hubs last a loooooog time.