All of this sounds like a great start. I have a couple questions:
1.) If you make the Whistler the now defacto measurement tool, do we now need to open up the stroke on the motors to be free? Can you cheat the stroke and still pass the Whistler? I am told yes, but I don't know.
2.) Everyone keeps talking about how accurate the Whistler is, so I do not see the need for 10.2. The rule is 10.0. 10.0 to 10.09 is legal, 10.1 is not legal. 10.2 is certainly not legal and I don't see the need to keep the creep however small moving. The rule is 10.0 let's not complicate it any further. There are many of us out there that have built to the 10.0 rule and I don't see the need to rebuild to now get to 10.2.
3.) I would also suggest that the Whistler is not the ultimate defining tool, so lets not change or write any rules that would approve it as such. We have all heard the stories about people who don't know how to use the Whistler properly and we also now know that most all of the engine builders own Whistlers. I think the CC still needs to be the defining way of establishing legality in either the protest process or Runoffs/Big Race scenario's. I guess what I am trying to say is I don't want the rule to be written for the Whistler to be the ultimate defining tool in all cases since the engine builders already own these tools and will no doubt be able to find ways to build to the Whistler..... Again.
I think the proposed solution most are throwing out works for 90+ percent of the cases and I support it as long as there is still the ability via the rules process to CC the motor for a protest in those few circumstances that it is needed.
We also need to address the motors that are not going to be checked at the Runoffs. I could be wrong, but I doubt the engine builders are going to tell us how many motors they built to the Whistler and I also doubt that they will do a recall of sorts to fix those motors. Cliff Brown's idea of a fund to start protesting (to the new Whistler requirement) cars on the podium at regional races throughout the year next year is a good idea. I am not only donating to his fund but will also be protesting cars on the West coast at all Major events if the Whistler doesn't come out through the normal tech process so we can get the offending motors up to compliance.
In my eyes these motors are still illegal and I am not willing to just overlook it since it is not the Runoffs. We all spend a lot of time and money to race these cars and I think we need to get this reigned in on more than just the National level.