If you have to leave the racing surface to avoid contact and he was at or past your "A" pillar before entering the zone that's no different than if there were contact. If he's behind it, it's only slightly less clear and would require other evidence. Did you actually avoid contact or did you only think you needed to go off to avoid contact but he left sufficient room?
This guideline addresses the clamor being raised to do something more specific about contact. I see it as adding clarity to my ability to make a fault determination. Otherwise, I don't see any change to 6.11.1.
again conflict of rules.
6.11.1 must leave racing room. So if a guy overtaking sticks in 1 foot of overlap the car being passed MUST leave room.
New guideline. If the overtaking car only has 1 foot in, He has no right to be there and must back out. The car being overtaken is not obligated to leave any room and can cut down to the apex because the car trying for the pass did not make it to his A-pillar, NOT leaving room.
So one rule says you need to leave room the guideline says you don't. Direct conflict. Sounds like we are creating a ruleset for a game of chicken.
like Jim says what you can do by the rules might not be what you should do. But if we are clarifying a rule wound we want it to reflect what SHOULD be done.