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How Can I learn To Trail Brake Better

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  • PipPipPip
  • 298 posts
  • Location:United States
  • Region:SW Florida
  • Car Year:1999
  • Car Number:23

I really like trail braking.    Here are just a few points that help me.   Trail braking, even on the same track, same corner can change depending on your level of grip that particular session.... wish I had an easy way to tell you, but its just Feel and trial and error.   That being said I really like to trail brake on Non down shift turns so I can left foot brake.... much easier to drive with both feet, you can easily manipulate the brake and throttle depending on what you are feeling.   It’s a little harder on downshift turns, I will heel toe, but sometimes as soon as the downshift is complete I will cover the brake with my left just in case I need Trailing to an adjustment.   Do not know exactly why, but I have found turns that are positively cambered are great for trail braking.   Lastly, unless you are extremely good in an SM, I would not think too much about it except in practice.  This can get in your head and negatively effect your driving.... you do not want to be thinking about I need to do X in this turn, focus on the feel and carrying as much corner speed as possible.  Just because it was great yesterday, does not always indicate it will work today.   Practice trailing, look at your Min corner speeds, but most importantly learn to feel what the car is telling you that particular session   

Good Luck


Good points Craig, I doubt I would do it in a race until I become quite competent at it, which at my pace would be somewhere to a long time from now and never.  I tried to trail brake one time and almost spun the car, I suppose finesse w/ my left foot isn't my strong point :)  I need to use toes not leg.


I should really work on consistency and braking points, as one of the posters stated he does all his barking in a straight line (maybe another thread?) and is considered very good.  Still, I would like to be able to at least understand the theory and apply in practice.


Everyone has made a lot of valid points, I don't know of anywhere else where one can go to get advice from the best of the best.

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