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Both now have licenses!

Posted by Joe (dad) Jordan , 03-29-2011 · 3,168 views

Well my 18 year old daughter survived SCCA drivers school and ran 2 regionals over the weekend at Buttonwillow to get her provisional signed off. Car is making progress. We had a consisitent selectrical problem related to the kill switch, which drained the battery, but she is now licensed and ready to go. My son Joey 17 has his NASA provisional which we hope to have complete in 2 weeks.Attached Image

Then on to the Teen Mazda Challenge.

We ran with an open diff, which we will change out for a torsen this weekend. We will also install a radiator and remove all the AC Crap.
Attached Image
This has been a fun family project building this car from Lemons and now a Spec Miata. Budget does not allow a complete build all at once, so have been slowly adding the puzzle pieces with the hope of having a competitive car by mid summer.

03-30-2011 12:39 PM
I just stumbled onto your blog. So cool of you to put the kids through driving school. My bet is they never get a ticket on the road, for fear you won't let them go to the track! :D
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Brian Ghidinelli
03-30-2011 10:54 PM
I drove a little nutty on the street but once I started going to the track, I realized it 1) wasn't fun anymore and 2) stupid. Congrats!
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Joe (dad) Jordan
03-31-2011 06:39 AM
Before racing they both drove a little crazy on the streets. We live in a great driving area lots of winding back roads. Now they are have both toned it down on the street and neither of them will ride in any other teenagers car for fear of poor driving!

Dave, I enjoyed your blog as well, especially the detailed drivers school ones!

Brian congrats on your National win last weekend.
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Sampson Racing Radios
04-01-2011 12:30 PM
Very Cool :D Congrads to all!
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