I have a set of REMed gears on the shelf. Also a set of REMed diff gears. Amazing how many illegal parts you find in the home built cars that run mid pack. And how few you find in the front group. I also have several lightened flywheels
Mistakes happen, including me. But I honestly think the purposefully non-compliant stuff has left the class.
A couple of good points have been made in this thread that i wish the SMAC would maybe make a point to bring to the attention of powers to be.
I agree with Dave on the point that for the most part things have cleaned up but for those of you who want to keep up the pressure. if your concerned about REM, as Mark said, you can use a bore scope to inspect the gears through the fill hole while the trans in in the car.
But at our event If i have the count right They pulled SIX transmissions.
Do you really need to pull six transmissions to send a message and keep the pressure on.
I was P8 Sunday and I am not really sure how important it was to pull my box, my lap times were not that impressive.
Better yet for a guy like me off the podium, get out the bore scope. I have several hrs of work ahead of me, and the sprints are out for me.
I strongly believe that they need to make an effort to make the random tech minimally invasive or we will lose customers. Going forward they need to pull out the bore scope for random tech. IMO You can get the same result with a lot lest of a hardship on the little guys.