B(Kuch)Kucera45, on 14 Jan 2015 - 7:50 PM, said:
\What I don't like is how a lot of people on here assume there isn't any good drivers or National drivers in an NA car. Yes I would agree that 60% of NA drivers now are Regional only now. I would take a guess and say 70% of the NB guys started in a NA car. The first year the NB was allowed in the class it wasn't a big issue and the NA cars were still competitive and wasn't until changing of the rules over the last few years and has left the NA behind.
So let's rewind to the beginning and see what has changed since then and that could be the issue !
That NB came in 11 years ago.. If we rewind to when they came in... It had a 43 mm plate and 2500 lbs.
If we went back to that tomorrow. The 1.6's would be way further behind then they are now. the NB cars have never been sped up through a parity adjustment. Only slowed down. The timing and regulator did speed up those who couldn't get there legally, but not the front runners who were already there.