I hate to interupt this thread.
Was looking for info the other day. On another site this same 1.6 conversation was going on during year 2008. Thread was started by a well respected driver that climbed through the Miata ranks from Spec Miata into pro rides. And left coast drivers took part in the thread.
I've also researched the history of the 1.6 engine a bit. Don't beleive the 1.6 intake/head technology/compression/over bore/cold intake will improve the issue where I believe the issue is. No disrespect to those in favor of compression, over bore, cold air, flywheel. Think about it guys, the 99 + head/intake/adjustable cams/cams/technology and torque is way out front of the 1.6 engine.
Look at the output of a good ITA 1.6 engine, where they are allowed considerable more than the SM engine other than de-shroud and plunge cut. Compare the torque to the 1.6 SM engine. Without an after market ECU, not all that impressive.
Yes Craig I have proposed two solutions (outside the box) in the past to bring the 1.6 to play heads up with the 99 plus. Re-trace my posts.
Jim Dargo, your 1.6 could not back up the 2012 Sprints run during the 2012 Runoffs.
I'm not back tracking for the exact words, your 1.6 driver posted in a similar thread back in 2012 that a 1.6 at Road America was like bringing a knife to a gun fight. I'm also not posting the videos again and asking for folks to find the 1.6 makeing a pass after T1 on the first lap on it's own without an on track issue. He may have passed Berry heading to T12 when he got inside Berry and Berry let it go to pass a bit later. Not bashing anyone, only stating what I viewed.
To the engine builders and others that like to take shots at me, I've got $1,000.00 or more all at the ready when you show me how you can legally provide what the 1.6 needs to play heads up with the 99 +. How many other 1.6er's would have that same $1,000.00 plus?
My 1.6 with cool suite water and one gallon of gas weighs 2,020 pounds. I built the car and am very capable of setting the car up and maintaining the car. Similar engine numbers to Drago's 1.6 when run on a DynaPack. I have 90* intake air at the filter on an 80* day.
I for one am not all about the win, I'm all about seeing an engine that can compete heads up with the other engines, considering everything else is equal. I'm able to focus and not be side tracked by all the tangent BS that is constantly throw in many posts.
Please carry on.