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Everything Runoffs 2014

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FWIK, zero, and no point stirring that pot until details are public.

You're back!!

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#88 compliant, other 8 in a battle w/SCCA tech

It's funny, that is what I heard yesterday morning. I almost posted shiny side up. If this is correct it is a bit sad that nobody in the know posted that this driver was not part of the cars found non-compliant while all the appeals were going on etc. I made a post that said one with flying colors of the 9. Guess that may have been right after all. Correction, apparently it wasn't with flying colors after all. Someone there needs to update everyone.

I am going to pop some popcorn now. This is going to be ugly for awhile if the info coming out of there is true. This all reminded me, where has Cheatin Chip been? And is this the kind of stuff that dilqualification from event is least of worries in terms of the penalty?



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#88 compliant


VERY lucky number.

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Steve Scheifler

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Or, that car was not part of the normal full tech until it appeared that one or more of the top three might be DQ'd, so he didn't fully "pass" until they got back to him today (if indeed he has now passed).

edit typo
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Forgot to answer the second question? Did it affect the result? Side note watching H prod race anyone else think a Yaris is the ugliest racecar ever?

Isn't that the whole point of why we race this class? To figure out who is fastest with a compliant car? We will never know who would have won. Its as if the runoffs didn't happen this year.

Ron Alan

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#88 compliant, other 8 in a battle w/SCCA tech

Interesting first post and anonymous name! 

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My .02

I'm just keeping up with forum while sitting at home in FL. But my guess is, SCCA might not say the final word of anything until they make some sort of press release once the appeals are done. I wouldn't expect an official word til then from anybody on this forum, but I may be wrong.  SM is SCCA's most popular class,  if 8 of the 9 cars failed, it is making SCCA and SM as a whole look bad (not just the engine builders/drivers in question).  SCCA is in crisis management.

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Steve Scheifler

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This link works for me: http://www.scca.com/...ts.cfm?eid=6670

On what device and browser?
Been a major pain all weekend for me on IOS/Safari.
IOS/Dolphin same as Safari, stalls or fails after partial load.
IOS/Opera works fine so far.
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For all of us stuck at home---  Please start the information flow.   Front or back of the pack it is interesting to hear what is going on.  Good Luck to all...

Dutch see what you started.
Ralph Provitz
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Sad  day for the class as a group on many levels. :-(


S.A.C.  racing

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from the other thread


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Sad situation for the most popular class in club racing. In my mind though this situation will make the class even stronger in the future.

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And if true, you are handing the trophy to a car/engine that I would probably say is prepared identical to one that was found non-compliant.  No reflection on anyone, but that just doesn't sound right.  

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Now that the truth is coming to light, any who are found non-compliant should quietly exit stage left in shame and resign all leadership positions.  Those of us who lived in agony all year while beating certain cars out of the corners only to watch them walk away down the straights should not be penalized by having to spend extra money to match their crooked motors.  Let them comply.  Many of us spent 2014 in total and complete frustration; bitching at our engine builder who just kept saying "I have done all I can while keeping it legal".  My offer of teardown continues:  Have Loynings put it back together and provide me a case of Sierra Nevada as well as two bottles of Cuervo Reserva de la Familia ($130/bottle) for my trouble.  As long as the motor is ready for the March race I don't care when and you can watch them put it back together.


Please accept this offer.  We really need fuel for the "Mountain Dew" after the race at the 2015 Rose Cup and yes, Jim and Red, you are invited for a cup of that wonderful greenish liquid!

Steve Scheifler

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I'm all about compliance and enforcement, but if you think anything we are talking about here amounts to that kind of difference then you probably don't know enough about engines to offer an informed opinion.
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If this is true I'm glad,it's about time. I think there has been to many engine mods from year to year to allow the normal guy to keep up. I'm talking about builders stretching the rules on engine builds until they get cought . I just hope they can come up with easy and no gray area engine rules to keep it fair for the rest of the group. Just look how this class has changed in the last 5 years. Hell 5 to 6 years ago you could win with a junkyard motor now you have to spend 6-7k on a motor to stay at the pointy end of the field. I'm not saying to get rid of the pro motors just come up with a set of rules that will keep them the same for at least a 2-3 year interval without having to rebuild a motor from year to year.
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Todd Lamb

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The entry list for the ARRC is about to get a lot shorter.
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Full disclosure: SMAC chairman, my opinions do not reflect anything to do with the SMAC unless specifically stated.

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Steve, if it doesn't make any "real" difference why would anyone risk it for the race where you know you're going to get torn down?


Can't wait for the ARRC.  I know my head is legal.  :thumbsup:

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If this is true I'm glad,it's about time. I think there has been to many engine mods from year to year to allow the normal guy to keep up. I'm talking about builders stretching the rules on engine builds until they get cought . I just hope they can come up with easy and no gray area engine rules to keep it fair for the rest of the group. Just look how this class has changed in the last 5 years. Hell 5 to 6 years ago you could win with a junkyard motor now you have to spend 6-7k on a motor to stay at the pointy end of the field. I'm not saying to get rid of the pro motors just come up with a set of rules that will keep them the same for at least a 2-3 year interval without having to rebuild a motor from year to year.

If the unintended consequence of this turns out to be a sealed motor program, everyone is going to get in line for a new motor next year.


I have some bone stock heads for a 99 and 01 for sale, 5000.00 each.

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Kuch, been longer than that. In 2006 Sunbelt had been using cams, illegal pistons, plugged oilers, suspect valve springs, and lots of valve-pocket cleanup for years already. In 2006 RE had been selling engines at least a couple years and by then was using cams, extra valve angles, low tension rings and coated pistons. And they weren't alone. When did the prior owner of this site start advertising Sunbelts? "Don't just win, dominate!".
Whatever you think, things are actually closer now than they were for years back then, and that's just engines!
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