Couple observations Dean...
No doubt you brake late as does Clement in the black car. You both are way deeper than ideal. But you both get it slowed down and turned. In Marco's video the silver car you pass is also deep but off and then back on the brake as the two of you have contact. Hard to tell if he is still trying to turn and washes into you or if you make a move across his path. But you are definitely at the end of the track as you can see by the white line to your right as you turn...not ideal but you are still on the track and look to be following the car in front of you. Obviously the first contact between you and the gray car causes a chain reaction.
There is a lot of room in this area but the ideal line funnels down to less than 2 cars as you make that left and then the immediate right. Especially at the start, pretty important all are on there game going into this corner. You make it 3 wide but actually look to complete the pass. Again, based on the line the gray car takes, it would seem he is trying to slow down before he can turn. Ideally he should be further left door to door with the red car but ends up leaving a big hole which Marco in the camera car fills(making it 4 wide!). I'm sure in hindsight he wishes he would have stayed in line! I see a racing incident that snowballed
Based on recent actions by SOM I've seen, when a car or cars races are ended they look to make someone an example. And usually the car passing is looked at first. If they felt you hadn't completed the pass and came across the gray car( though you really had no where to go but follow Clement)I see where this may have gone.