For goodness sake Bench, you STILL have not presented a solution!I really do understand others understand how to read the dyno graphs. I really do understand how some may believe some weight reduction of the 1.6 will cure the the issue to get meaningful weight/pound foot below 5,500 rpm. My 1.6 could race at 2,200 pounds (with driver) and it would not mean stink to the weight/pound foot short fall untill 5,000 rpm. I really do believe a 99 would be to no benefit with me as the spacer. I really do understand the insignifant items from within the box collectively will not improve the torque below 5,500 rpm (had to insert the rpm one more time) for the 1.6 to play heads up. I really do understand to improve the torque signiffantly where needed the idea will come from outside the box (current rules). I really do understand if the torque were improve something may need to be unleashed for parity, open up the 99 plus RP. I really do beleive when some insignifant items from within the box are allowed, after implementation, folks will be asking for more and will be told to go fly a kite. I really do understand short of the BoD nothing will occure during the year 2015. I really do understand a fully built 1.6 ITA car (can not de-shroud or plunge cut) which is much more open engine wise than the 1.6 Spec Miata does not gain signifiant torque, below you know where. If you know of an ITA 1.6 Miata that increases signifianlty you know where, please provid contact.
Now, how about all of you that are all in for the class, do something positive for the 1.6 and you may even be able to open up your RP a bit. Oh, and by all means please be open with your 1.6 engine knowledge and post how to improve the torque where needed along with the torque value at what rpm.
Saul will show up shortly to jerk me straight, which is ok by me.
After hundreds of posts on this subject (not just by you), would you consider that perhaps the 1.6 simply is not equipped to match the 99plus in the torque department? And perhaps you might consider that there is no hidden secret to the torque issue below 5,500 and so perhaps - just maybe - the 1.6 could benefit from some of the incremental solutions that have been proposed by very smart people on this forum (Saul, Steve, Ralph and Drago have all made suggestions). If you keep slamming every idea as not solving your torque hole issue to your satisfaction, then expect to stay in a descending spiral of forum irrelevance. On the flip side if you would shift your tenacious allegiance to implementation of the known and doable to help the 1.6, the 99 guys like me would soon be complaining that 1.6's are way too fast