In light of the news from the weekend that SEDIV is prepared to institute SM-SE, which as I understand it is essentially 91-94 1.6 Miatas prepared to current SM rules, I feel compelled to make my feelings known to all involved. I have been involved with Estus White in his efforts to create SSM in SEDIV since very early on, and my car has essentially been used as the prototype.
When Estus first presented the idea of SSM to me, I was actually a strong proponent of adopting SM2 rules. I thought it was the easy button. However, I was understanding the problem presented by uncompetitive 1.6 cars, but not the solution. As everyone knows, SM2 is essentially 91-94 1.6 Miatas prepared to current SM rules, or basically the same as what SEDIV/SARRC is preparing to adopt. However, when Estus explained that SSM is a class designed to provide a level playing field while at the same time controlling costs, and how that objective was accomplished, he convinced me that I was wrong, that SM2 would do nothing to control costs, and as such would not be a strong incentive to attract others to join those of us interested in a cost controlled, even playing field.
In my mind, SM-SE, like SM2, is simply a subset of SM. There are all kinds of areas where a competitor can spend money to buy speed. More importantly, it doesn't do enough to separate the class from conventional SM. The SMAC is working on ways to make the 1.6 cars competitive within SM, and that is where the people who are willing to make that kind of major investment in a 1.6 car will go.
SSM is NOT SM-Light. It is a different class built on the same platform, designed to appeal to a different competitor with a different set of values and objectives. SSM is thriving in the WDC region area as a cost controlled spec series. I believe there is a lesson to be learned there. SEDIV would be better served to adopt SSM to attract the competitor initerested in a lower cost spec series and let the SMAC provide a solution for the people who want to run a 1.6 in SM. We would get the best of both worlds.