Jim, with respect to Todd's car, IMHO it is an outlier, and we have all seen cars that have just made better numbers and performed better than they should. Unfortunately this happens less often than the reverse, when, despite doing everything perfectly, for some reason the engine just does not produce what you would expect of it.
Once again, IMHO using a sample set of 1 to establish a rule set is not the sensible way to do it. In the case of '99's we have many examples of cars making similar numbers. What would be interesting to see is how many 1.6's are duplicating Todd's numbers. In the absence of others, it would make sense to adjust to something that is seen on a regular basis amongst the top 1.6's (1nd 1.8's).
Since I have known you, you gave been down 2-3 Hp to everyone at the front, your words not mine. When I say I think the cars are close like at Atlanta, you say "Yes, but yours was down" So by your definition, again, not mine. What do you think would happen if we pulled the plates? It seems the plates may be keeping some in the game here and perhaps why you feel the 99 up cars are close and repeatable? As you know, there are no plates in the 1.6, so we don't have the crutch of the plate to equalize the best with average 1.6's. Whatever you gain shows on the track and is not hidden under the plate effect like it is in the 99 up cars. If we pulled the plates tomorrow, there would be a A LOT of very upset 99+ owners that are VERY content right now.
If someone wants a 1.6 car as fast as Todds or faster, all they need to do is build one or write a check. Not just to me either, to ANY reputable car builder. The reason you don't see more of these cars is the cost and posts like yours and others calling them outliers, non competitive and not attainable. Also because of posts like mine saying they are more expensive to build, harder to maintain in top form and still harder to drive than the 99's. Why bother? That does not change the fact that in top form the 1.6 cars CAN compete and WIN at any track. I think it is fair to say that Todd's 1.6 car beat you and I far more than we beat it. Yet, neither of us are crying foul? Sometimes you just lose!
If we change to adjust to the middle as it appears you and many others suggest, the 1.6 would be the only car winning. The guys in 1.6 cars that are complaining now would still be complaining and be just as far behind, I know that sounds harsh, but that is the reality. And in no way was any one car used to make the rules.